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Be the first to get rid of all of your dice in Pass the Pandas by rolling pandas, bamboo, or water drops. A player who rolls pandas on her turn is able to pass those dice to other players. A roll of bamboo must be matched (or exceeded!) by the next player. A roll of water allows her to discard those dice. A blank roll does nothing to help her, and she must keep blank dice to roll again on her next turn.
• 20 Custom Dice
• Instructions
MSRP: $11.99
For 2 to 5 players
Ages 6 and up
10 minute playing time
SKU: PLE18400
UPC: 803004184000
- The fast and furious dice game that’s pure “Panda”-monium!
- Be the first to get rid of all of your dice in Pass the Pandas by rolling pandas, bamboo, or water drops.
- Roll pandas and you can pass those dice to the other players. Roll water and it evaporates from the game.
- You need to roll at least as much bamboo as the previous player, otherwise you have to take some of theirs.
- Contents include 20 custom dice and instructions
Versandgewicht: | 0,1600 kg |
Artikelgewicht: | 0,1600 kg |
Abmessungen ( Länge × Breite × Höhe ): | 17,78 × 12,70 × 3,81 cm |
Jean Baptist Vinkstraat 4
Kortenberg, Belgien, 3070
Jean Baptist Vinkstraat 4
Kortenberg, Belgien, 3070