Clear Puck & Card Flip Display 35pt

Artikelnummer: PP-E-85676
Kategorie: Zubehör
Preise nach Anmeldung sichtbar
  • Lieferzeit: ca. 5 Wochen  (DE - Ausland abweichend)
  • Lieferzeit: ca. 5 Wochen  (DE - Ausland abweichend)


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Put your most valuable player on display with Ultra PRO's clear Puck & Card Flip Display, designed to fit one puck and one standard size trading card. This holder is made with thick, high quality and ultra-clear materials that is non-PVC. The holder is secured by six (6) silver support posts that can easily be screwed on or removed without any special tools. These support posts can be moved around different corners of the holder to convert the display from a vertical format into a horizontal format to accommodate trading cards that are printed horizontally. With a sleek, minimalist design, this display is an excellent way to make your collection stand out. Sized to hold standard cards up to 35pt thickness.


  • Safely stores and displays 1 puck & 1 standard size trading card
  • Can be used in vertical card format or horizontal card format
  • Secured by interchangeable silver posts that can be removed without special tools
  • Ultra-clear, high quality material that is non-PVC
  • Give your personal collection a high end, sleek and minimalist look


Versandgewicht: 0,4300 kg
Artikelgewicht: 0,4300 kg
Abmessungen ( Länge × Breite × Höhe ): 22,25 × 13,75 × 10,01 cm
Angaben zur Produktsicherheit
Ultra Pro
Jean Baptist Vinkstraat 4
Kortenberg, Belgien, 3070
verantwortliche Person:
Ultra Pro
Jean Baptist Vinkstraat 4
Kortenberg, Belgien, 3070